
Juhi Naithani

Principal, bGlobal Consulting

As Principal of bGlobal Consulting, Juhi delivers strategic solutions for businesses, organizations, and institutions that want to expand their international presence and impact. With decades of experience in international business development, investment, and education, she has a proven track record of building and managing relationships across diverse cultures, markets, and sectors.

Previously, she served as the Assistant Director for International Business Investment at the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority for six years. Juhi is part of the Visting Faculty at the George Mason University’s School of Business.

11.00 am - 11.55 pm PANEL: Presented by Sarfez Pharmaceuticals

Saturday April 20, 2024

PANEL: Launching a startup with low capital and bootstrapping

Juhi Naithani

Rohit Bhayana

Chiranth Nataraj

Emrah Dilsizoglu

Asif Mooppan

The panel, featuring seasoned founders who have successfully launched and scaled their startups with minimal capital and a bootstrapping mindset, will discuss firsthand accounts and practical advice on bootstrapping strategies, lean startup principles and alternative funding sources.

12.30 pm - 01.00 pm FIRESIDE CHAT: Presented by eHealthObjects

Saturday April 20, 2024

Finding the right kind of incubators and accelerators


Juhi Naithani

Sanjay Puri, a tech leader and entrepreneur, will guide startup founders on how to identify the ideal incubator or accelerator program for their venture. Topics that will be covered include understanding the difference between incubators and accelerators, identifying needs of your startup, researching potential programs and maximizing program benefits